I got covid

 Here is a timeline of infected by covid and how I recover. I hope someone will benefit from my experience. 


The turning point is when I apply sesame oil to nose and mouth. But my throat can be reach by sesame bottle spray. 

  • without sugar water, my body will go into gastric pain. Glucose can only be used for 3 days before the body starts to have kidney pain. By eating porridge for a whole day, I gain enough energy to eat more food the next day!

I am lucky to come across sesame oil in a India government website. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1609524

I am grateful. Here is the timeline

  • 091121 Han say kaka sick and wear mask. 

I see her wear long sleeve. 

111121 Jos tests kaka positive. Ka says she better now. She says she has no cough. At night, gen fever and test positive. We all negative. I give kaka rock melon. I ask her to pee every 2 hours. 

121121 I feel sore throat at night. I give gen rock melon at 7pm. He has no fever but develop fever at 1030pm. He plays water by washing hand. I notice kaka starts to cough. Melon causes fever? 


  • 11am I feel my throat sore. I eat 1 apple and rock melon. Gen does not eat because his mouth has ulcer. Why causes the ulcer? Bite his lip? Fever? What Jos ask maid give him? He also vomit. 
  • 3pm more itchy. Test negative. I drink salt water. Not much effect. 
  • Yesterday I got itchy throat at 4am. I have no melon to eat. I only eat 1 melon whole day. I eat curry chicken rice but no chicken at 2pm. Then I eat at 9pm fried noodle and lime. I feel ok. I come home at 6pm carry gen. His nose is itchy. I hear maid coughing. So hungry burn my throat? My weak point is throat. 
  • 330pm I feel energised but feel cold afterward. I go to bed to sleep. Keep still and empty mind. 
  • 530pm I go pee. Try body feels warm. I feel cold. Why the energy does not go away? 
  •  My feet feels cold. What causes me to feel cold? The orange I eat? 
  • My sore throat is less after I sleep with my head back high against the blanket. 
  • 630pm can still feel soreness at the throat. Feel weak like having fever. The contact yesterday’s with gen is carry him and lie on the queen bed. I only know how to position the head so that the sore throat can recovered. Sit is not good. Lie down with head up against the bed head. 
  • I should track my pee! Ph is 6.8 at 6pm. 
  • 7pm both maid and gen no fever. Maid no running nose. But gen vomit. 

  • 121121 first sore throat but negative art test on 131121. 
  • 141121 12am I eat India fried rice ikan bilis. I feel better. But too much like. I feel the hot pepper in my mouth and stomach. My temp is 36.4. I eat also green chillies. 
  • Try sesame oil on nose and mouth at 1:15am. Try cough position. Never cough at all in 15 min. 
  • 320am feel hungry. Stomach make sound. B4 got little headache. So the headache is run out of energy. It leads to stomach sound. After I eat, I feel the pepper in my mouth again. My sore throat is gone. Put sesame oil at nose then smell prune juice to remove the smell. The smell can trigger breathe harder. I go wash and smell prune.
  • As I write, my eye a little pain. Too bright. My head pain again, hungry? Yes. I should have make sugar water. 

  • 141121 5am Xiu got covid 5am. Recovered 211121. 8 days. 
  • I could remember to drink sugar water to solve my head problem. 
  • 9am still have headache. Jos gives millinum I got better. Then I eat porridge and sugar water. The headache goes away. 
  • Apply sesame oil to one nose, cough goes away. 4pm 
  • 430pm finally shit. A little start force. 
  • 8,9,10 my urine ph 5.5 that is very Low. Due to the porridge I eat. It is cooked at 10am but eat at 6pm. Cannot be the covid turn my ph from 6.5 to 5.5? The water ph is above 7. My urine has porridge residue. I will stop porridge and see if my ph increase. My cough keeps going since I have such a low ph. Sesame oil in mouth gaggle only last 15 min no cough. 
  • 1030pm I feel fully recovered. I can finished 1 plate of Ma gee goreng. A rock melon. Honey lemon. 
  • 12am Urine test 5.5 but no white particle. Do a gingerly oil mouth wash. Why my ph still 5.5. I expect it to go up by 3am. 
  • it comes to me that because Xiu is wearing pamper drink 2 bottle to sleep, she got covid. Same as gen gen. Too much water intake before sleep causes covid 19 to grow! I can hear water in nose for Xiu. 
  • So India god is right. Covid 19 is linked to under urinate.
  • 1am ph 5.8 from 5.4 at 11pm. 2 hours the food is digest. So outside porridge is actually very acidic. It has to be consume within 2 hours. 

  • Drink a teaspoon of sesame oil to stop my sore throat. There is still virus there. And with my ph going to 6.2 in the morning. I will wake up to no cough!
  • __Covid Cure__
  • 1. Pee every 2 hours. Before sleep must pee. If drink bottle, give only half. 
  • 2. With the lung dry, the virus still can come into the nose, mouth and lung. The body will go into fever to attack the virus. We can help the body by rubbing sesame oil or eat pepper rice. 

230am wake up. Sleep 1.5 hour. Feel cold. 

3am still feel throat itchy. My ph is 6.35. And I do sesame mouth wash and nose rub. There is no more cough till 3.30am. 

330am I try to sleep but Feel little headache. I drink sugar water. It goes away. Stomach still make sound. I eat chocolate bar. And try to sleep again. I can hear logistic at the port and train passing by. So sensitive when one is sick. End I cannot shit whole day. 

151121 - 7am kaka is negative now. Xuan complain cannot breathe. Why? Because I put on his nose? A little hot. I wake up a little headache. I eat rock melon and 4 banana. I instruct Jos to let mei smell 3 x a day. And pee every 2 hours. Before sleep must pee and only half bottle. 

9am ph drop to 5.2. 9:10am pee again at 5.7. Can see white particle. Is it due to prata? Or the curry source? I should measure ph for every pee. I am not sure as I eat rock melon, 4 banana, sugar water. I eat chocolate at 4am. Look like prata causes the white particles. Or am I hungry. 

  • 10am I eat apple and rock melon. 10:30am it goes to 6.5ph. It shifting so much and I feel better. I chose a room with sunlight. Once it is ph 6.5 it does not cough anymore. 
  • 1130am. Bath hot. Eat porridge hot, banana and rock melon. Sleep in bed. 
  • 130 wake up good no cough. Ph 6.5! Cough needs 2 hours sleep and ph to recover. 
  • nose feel hot. All virus retreat to nose. Put sesame oil! 

2:45pm ph 7.0 no cough. Throat massage. 

3:15pm feel no energy

430pm noodle

6pm sleep wake up ph 6.5. Feel good. Still head warm. Due to sleep one side too long. 

845pm. Does not feel cold at all. Look at phone also ok now. Cough when cold wind. Feeling great. 

10pm after eat mee Hoon. 

161121 350am wake up. Sleep from 11pm. Longest sleep 5 hours. No headache. Feel like normal already. Having covid is like a dream. At a point, I feel like maybe I am dying because of the mild pain in the left head. And the migraine when I have not enough food. I have not appetite yet my brain want energy. The feeling The Eye lid is so heavy that I have to close and cannot even read my screen. 

8am gen tests positive, light line. Xiu tests positive dark line. I expect gen to clear by tml. So Xiu will expect to recover at 181121. 

10am Han test positive. Just went pcr test and need. Need 30 hours for the result. Given throat candy. Xuan is warm. He is getting fever. Jos let kaka and gen out of room. 

3pm Han got fever and sleep. I regret I never put oil to her nose before she sleep. It is in the morning I hear her nose sound. Only left Xuan has no virus. They go for pcr test. Xuan pees all the time. So it only take one night when a person has too much water in her body for covid to multiply. 

The body uses all the energy to fight new virus. There so many of them. It has no energy left to digest food. So I feel like vomiting if I force myself to eat. When energy is low, the head starts to pain. So the way is to rub oil to her nose. Let some virus die first. Let her drink sugar water. 

7pm she sleeps at 4pm. Body is hot. I have rub oil at her nose. 

8pm Han feeling cold but body is hot. I expect her fever to last only 1 night. 

She complains left nostril pain. She says pain already in the morning 10am. I ask her wash her nose. What causes her to have nose pain when having fever? 

9pm covid 19 negative for gen. Gen takes 6 days to recover. Kaka takes 8 days.

Han record ——-

161121 Han first day. Fever. Nose pain. After drop saline no pain. Put oil when sleep but still cannot prevent hot.  

11pm Sleep 930pm and wake up 11pm. Put saline in the left nostril and complain plain. I open light and see rashes near the outside of the nose. I use tissue pat dry and the calm down. Look like she is injuries in the art test. Not so hot but still warm. I apply oil on her nose. I do mouth wash and nose oil. I can hear Han water sound in her nose. 


1145pm I am positive on 161121. Doctor even if I have recovered, the result will still be positive. I expect Han to recover on 181121. 

171121 saline on nose myself. If the west has no ego or pride, she will try to learn Indian medicine. If the doctor has no ego, she will ask how I live through the last 3 days. 

2am I was all sad as I read I would go to a healthcare. Turn out the sms for isolation is late. All the unhappy is in the mind. When I think of the future, I think of Han crying for me and I missing her. I must always treasure her. All is in the mind. I worry from 2am to 6am. I scold Jos for asking me to do pcr. Cannot be sad at all!

9am happy to stay at home. 161121 is my first day of quarantine. The second is so difficult. 


9 pm Han keeps complain nose pain. When pee 5 times no more nose block. She has 1 block nose but keeps trying to use 2 holes. 

She sleeps from 11pm to 11am. I think she is recover soon. 181122 she making lot of noise. I think she has recovered. I could not look at phone again. I got dierrehea. Because of rock melon. 

3pm eat porridge but need to sleep. My stomach crashes. Why? I cannot even eat porridge. I cannot eat chocolate. I cannot even eat bread. Is my visit to clinic gives me more virus? Virus works? I can feel virus in my eye. Lots of mucus. 

I need to go out to walk to feel better. Staying at home in a room drain my energy. 

6pm I am feeling better now. My appetite is still poor. I could hardly finish a porridge with pork. Han is eating well but complain nose pain. I will need to put in saline when she sleep. Apply oil at 3am. 

191121 Han almost recovered. Can eat well but feel unwell after eat. Nose block. Too much soup Ma gee. 

5am I wake up with bast tongue pain. The virus has come to my tongue. It is important to keep moving so that virus strength is weaken. 

  • will walk 20 round in room morning. 
  • I drink lime juice. I eat apple. Drink little coconut pack. 
  • Do salt wash on eye, nose, mouth. 

10am Han almost negative thin line. 

1pm still have sore throat. I drink coconut. A lump in my mouth left. I do oil wash. I need to check ph. 

The danger of covid 19 is true. 

230pm eat apple and rock melon

3pm wake up no cough but stomach pain

3:30pm eat 1 scoop porridge. 5 scope needs Hoon. 3 honey. I sugar water. 

4:20pm drink like with 2 sugar. Ph 7.0

5pm took a bath

- clear nose

- but keep coughing

- got little nose drip

- eat ikan bilis

- the nature of covid is the body does not identify it as harmful. It bends into the nose and nose produce more spike. Use mind to attack the spikeprotein. 

- virus create unclear in mouth to prevent eating. Energy is enough for reproduce virus only. Force to eat and have enough energy to fight bad cell. Eat a small bowl of rice.

7pm wake yup to fever 38.0! Eat rock. Ph 6.2. Feel weak. 

8pm eat a bowl of rice, potato and carrot. Apply oil to ulcer. 3 pack sugar. 

9pm Han keeps crying. Cannot see papa can fall sick. Sorry I have to let you know the truth. 

930pm hungry again. Eat bread and 2 pack sugar. 

11pm hungry again. Eat honey bread. Rock melon. Hot waters 

1am hungry bread sugar 2

3am after I drink very hot water, no cough. 

930 noodle, lime 

11am test positive lightly. She’d recover tomorrow. 

2pm Mae Kee noodle rock glucose

5pm shui hui disgusting. Glucose. Wake up 6pm. Drink hot water b4 sleep. 

7pm all keep to porridge as wh say. 745pm cannot digest. After 1.5 hours than start digest. Have to eat glucose.


  • 6am art positive. Room is hot. 
  • 1030 fish porridge. Glucose
  • 130 fish porridge. Shit. 
  • 3 eat apple. Stomach pain. Eat rock. 
  • 4 wake. Stomach pain. Eat glucose. I am still very weak due to my gastric. 

I first see what the flame of covid 19. It is white color and thick. It comes out after I drink hot water and cough. 

5pm eat porridge

7pm same

830pm same. Glucose. Rock. 

10pm bread lime. My left waist starts to pain. Too much sugar. 

12am porridge rock. 

1am bread. Cough is still very bad. 

221121 10am eat little porridge and feel can eat duck rice. Order and eat more than half rice. 

3pm order online chak kway teo and 70%. Eat kiwik. Sleep till 5pm. The more I eat, the little cough I have! 

I worry so much that I forget to eat. 11pm to 9am. That I get gastric pain? And no constant supply coming in. 

730pm pig leg, egg. 

840pm covid negative. Eat enough food to fight covid. 

12am eat instant cup noodle. Rock. Han say Xuan drink 5 millennium a day. The day he has sore throat. Jos gives him a lot. Look like it does boost immunity. 

Sleep until 530am. But diarrea at 630am. 

10am eat ah Koon curry rice. Hungry at 2pm. 4 hours! 

There is much I want want to think of when I have covid. All girls becomes disgusting. 

3pm eat mee Suan obster but hungry by 6!  6pm eat fried rice! 

My weak point is sore throat. I start it on 131121 and today 241121 still bad throat. It used to take 10 days to recover. Now it is already 12. 

241121 1230am bread. Wake at 8am. 

12pm laksa. 

1pm shit. My flame has blood thin line. Why my throat cannot heal? 

251121 10am online Burger King. My throat is better. I have stop reading to Han yesterday. 

I start to realise my throat is recovering after I stop reading to Han everyday. They are free at 12pm! 

261121 still itchy if I stop hot water. My energy is 80% recovered. 

281121 wake up without any sore throat! Feel good. Eye not much discharge. 

291121 tend to cough in mall. Feel only 70% energy. 

301121 feel good! No cough. 

301122 I am apply sesame oil by spray into the throat. Feel better. Apply at 9pm and 1:30am on 011221. No sore throat when I wake up. 2 bottle 1 press and 1 spray. 

031221 fully recovered. Am I going to suffer for covid for nothing, just to go restaurant to eat. Can I share my knowledge how to deal with covid 19? 
